Double bookings in one day with Josue Elias Mejia Santos
My brother (Jose Samuel Mejia Santos) and I (Josue Elias Mejia Santos) started the company LET’S GO ROATAN TOURS in the beginning of the year 2008. It was two days later after my wife’s birthday August the 6th that I started working at Gumbalimba Monkey Park, we all weren’t using Facebook very much as we are now, So my brother was hustling the streets like everybody else but in the year 2016 I had to leave Gumbalimba Park and started working in our own company Let’s Go Roatan Tours so I started posting on Facebook. My real profile is I open the very first Facebook Page but I din’t know what I was doing and I made as an other profile and named it when I realized that Facebook Page was something different did it again and opened the page and couldn’t name it letsgoroatan tours because it was already taken by me so named the page link My...